
PhD student in molecular biology expressing thoughts on frustrating subjects found specifically in the vegan community. Disclaimer: Everything posted on this blog is my own personal thoughts, and does not reflect any views or opinions by any present nor future employer or organization

4 thoughts on “About

  1. Ive really enjoyed reading your blog and several posts. I am not a Vegan, and reading your blog, for the first time I don’t feel completely vilified.

    I do not support animal cruelty, I believe in sourcing only from local organic farms and grass fed ranches whose ethical and humane practices are known to me personally. I know that may sound like a justification of cruelty to some. I truly believe we must seriously reduce our dependency on industrialized livestock proliferation and consumption. There are too many atrocities that go unpunished.

    I also believe that industrialized cultivated agricultural has just as many of there own abuses when it comes to poor land management, soil erosion & degradation, proliferation of toxic pesticides leaching into our aquifers and fresh water sources, contamination harming the health of people, plants and animals, poor resource conservation through faulty irrigation practices. So much needs to change if we are all to survive.

    I think we all can live and work toward a better tomorrow without demonizing everyone who may have a differing opinion.

    My family doesn’t eat a preponderance of meat, but is suplimented in our mostly plant based diet. I’m not making excuses as to why I’m not Vegan, just being honest.

    I’ve been harassed by what I can only term a Vegan extremist (I apologize if that’s offensive but it’s how it feels), who resorted to Ceyber-bullying and accusing me of supporting atrocities against women, child slavery, and clubbing baby seals all because I asked him to address the sustainability of the world Vegan Utopia he was suggesting. I asked him how should we address the environmental, ecological, economic abuses already in agriculture, and long term ideas to sustain that Utopian hypothesis. He is a Vegan because he finds the thought of humans killing animals abhorrent, then advocates slaughtering cattle to extinction because it’s more humane then using them for food. I was horrified by that. How is it morally right for anyone Vegan or not to kill something to extinction in order to spare it? He never answered only ridiculed me further.

    I believe in exploring the big picture the cause and effect of things. I ask questions. I’m never asking because I feel superior or I’m Invalidating someone’s opinion or choices. I do respect life, and yes it sounds hypocritical because I incorporate meat in my diet. We can’t simply put millions of cattle in petting zoos, or cull them to extinction, so what happens to them? We do have a responsibility to them. I just don’t know that there is an easy answer to it.

    Sorry for the super long post. I guess I feel like you may understand why I ask questions. Thanks for listening.

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    1. Hello! Thanks for your question, it isn’t uncommon. When you think about veganism, we know it is a trend that will take many, many years (possibly several decades) to become the mainstream or predominant human diet, if ever. That said, it is also important to note that livestock animals are bred to meet a demand by the consumer population– the demand for animal products. If that demand were to slowly decrease over the aforementioned several decades of progression to widespread plant-based living, then the need to breed many livestock animals simply ceases to exist. With a decrease in demand, there will be less profits available for farmers to breed cattle, pigs, etc. In fact, that market will be replaced with an increased demand (consumption) for plant-based products e.g. vegetables, fruits, legumes, et al. In other words, more money can be made from plant foods instead of animal products. By nature of being more economical, and with time, the breeding rates of livestock will slowly but surely decline, and thus we will not have to “put millions of cattle in petting zoos” or the like. Rather, the natural extinguishing of the need to rapidly breed livestock animals rids us of that responsibility. I hope that helped somewhat.


  2. That is such a silly question: What do we do with all the cattle if we don’t eat them?

    Really? Just stop breeding them. You can’t say you love animals and then eat some. It’s like saying “I don’t kill humans, just a few.” Or I love my wife and don’t have affairs, just a few.


  3. I love this blog! If you respond to comments, perhaps you can answer a question and provide some insight on a point I often find myself waffling about. People ask me “well, don’t plants deserve to live? Isnt it just as bad to kill and eat them?” My response is twofold and I have no clue if it’s remotely accurate. I say that with a lot of plants, you’re not killing it to get the fruit and that in an ideal world, I would only eat fruit/veg/seed that naturally fell from the tree (or bush or whatever). I often say that I am no purist but I do my best. This usually helps people to recognize I am not judging them and then they tend to stop prejudging me as a smarmy hipster douche. I never saw the point in the personal “you’re a hypocrite!” attacks that people who barely knew me would throw out, but I recognize that the ill-informed vegan crusaders who judge others really have given us a bad name, so I try to keep my cool and not take it personally. What’s a good response, in your opinion, to the “you kill plants” argument? I actually sometimes wonder, as I dont like buying cut flowers or anything like that. If I get flowers for someone, I buy potted. I dont even like picking weeds! I am probably mis-understanding the underlying systems in plants, but my heart tells me that a lot of plants might have more awareness (or “consciousness”) than we have yet been able to verify. Your thoughts?


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